Saturday, July 17, 2010

Going to Market

When I heard that some of the ladies from church were going to buy material for their chorus uniform, I thought I could just slip along for a nice shopping day while Mike watched the boys. The plan was to leave at 6:00AM, which we weren't too late in leaving, it was just that we had to go to someone's house, wake them up and wait in the truck til they got ready. Ok, finally on our way, not quite, we need to stop at someone else's house to see if they are coming. Nope, they aren't, we're on our way again. Almost out of our town when there's a banging on the truck, someone needs a ride to town. Quick stop and we're on the road again. We arrive to where I thought we were going to go shopping, Croix-des-Bouquet, only to realize that the rest of the group thought going into town would have a better selection of material. By this time I was starting to think I should have stayed home, but too late now!! After picking up 2 more people we get back on the road going to town.

Finally, we're down town, Shea, the driver, asks, "OK, now where do I turn?" "Oh, turn here," is the reply. After going left, right, up, and down ( or so it seemed) the ladies realized the places they knew to buy material had been crushed in the earthquake. By this time I believe the driver was getting a bit agitated, but the ladies seemed to think everything was fine. "We're just obligated to walk on foot" they said . So after more turns and horn beeps, Shea finds a spot to stop, oh, but there's mud there!! Poor Shea, he again pulls out to find a spot suitable for the ladies!! Wow! We all made it in one piece, but Shea was obliged to stay with the truck while we all shopped.

We found the material without too much ado, and I even got a few vegetables I had wanted. After everyone was finished we head to the truck. There was a guy carrying the big bolts of fabric for us and up the road we went to find the truck. After a while it seemed we had walked too far, when one of the lady's shouted to us "Where are you going?" After we stopped and talked, we realized we went too far. Turning around we go down the road and turn right. We still don't find the truck. By this time the guy carrying the material was getting a little impatient. Finally, someone hollers, "This way" and we see Shea coming to get us. The man carrying the material has had enough so Shea and one of the ladies carry the material and we all make our way to the truck, which was still a little walk away.

We're on our way home, only this time all the girls are inside the cab of the truck. Being pregnant, riding with 7 people inside the blue truck with one of the ladies constantly requesting for the air conditioner to be turned down was quite the ride. It wasn't all bad though. I enjoyed listening to the kinds of things they discuss , everything from almost dying of hunger cause they didn't get breakfast to how to speak gently with someone who needs to dress a bit more decently. All in all it was a good day, but I was very glad to get back to my husband and boys.!!

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